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发布时间: 2021-03-12 10:58:19

1. 广东省东莞市生物地理模拟中考题


3.第Ⅰ卷为选择题,每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的正确答案标号涂 黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案写在试卷上无效。

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共50分)
一、选择题 包括25题,每题2分,共50分。每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题目的要求。
1、以下属于所有生物共同具备的特征是( )
A、生物都需要吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳 B、生物都能制造有机物
C、生物都由细胞构成 D、生物都能繁殖后代
2、在观察临时装片时,如在视野中看到中央发亮,周边黑暗的圆圈,该圆圈可能是( )
A、污物 B、气泡 C、细胞 D、墨水
3、用白菜剁饺子馅时,拧出的液体主要来自白菜细胞结构中( )
A、细胞膜 B、细胞核 C、液泡 D、细胞质
4、生物体能够由小长大的原因是( )
A、细胞的分化 B、细胞的分裂和分化 C、细胞的生长 D、细胞的分裂
5、“江北水城”聊城盛产苹果和梨,但不宜栽种柑橘,影响此现象的生成因素主要是( )
A、温度 B、水 C、阳光 D、土壤
6、下列哪种物质一般不会从气孔进出?( )
A、二氧化碳 B、水蒸气 C、氧气 D、有机物
7、大自然是我们绝好的课堂。当你和同学们漫步在绿树成荫、遍地青草的林间小路上,你会感觉到空气特别清新和湿润,此时你会想到这是绿色植物的什么作用改善了空气的质量?( )
A、光合作用和呼吸作用 B、呼吸作用和运输作用
C、光合作用和蒸腾作用 D、蒸腾作用和运输作用
8、北方冬季常绿植物体内无机盐的运输减弱或迫于停止,主要原因是( )
A、吸收作用减弱 B、蒸腾作用减弱 C、光合作用减弱 D、呼吸作用减弱
9、家鸽在飞行时,进行气体交换的结构是 ( )
A、肺 B、气囊 C、肺和皮肤 D、肺和气囊
10、下列四种生物种,细胞结构与其他三种生物的细胞有明显区别的是( )
A、酵母菌 B、青霉菌 C、乳酸菌 D、蘑菇
补充能量?( )
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁
12、下列有关小肠的结构特点与其吸收功能相适应的是( )。
①绒毛壁只有一层上皮细胞组成 ②小肠内表面有许多小肠绒毛 ③小肠绒毛内有毛细血管和毛细淋巴管 ④肠腺是黏膜上皮凹陷而成 ⑤小肠长5---6米 ⑥小肠内胆汁、胰液、肠液等有多种消化液
A.①④ B.①②③⑤ C.②④⑤ D.②③④⑥
13、使体循环和肺循环连接到一起的器官是( )
A. 肺 B. 心脏 C. 毛细血管 D. 组织
14、构成人体细胞的基本物质和主要成分分别是( )
A、蛋白质和水 B、葡萄糖和蛋白质 C、蛋白质和脂肪 D、葡萄糖和水
15、下列现象中, 属于条件反射的是( )
A. 谈虎色变 B. 狗看到食物分泌唾液
C. 针刺其手,手会缩回 D. 婴儿初生下来受冷空气的刺激就哭
16、尿液与原尿的成分相似,主要差异是尿液中缺少( )
A、血细胞 B、无机盐 C、葡萄糖 D、大分子蛋白质
17、右图为什么眼?应如何进行矫正?( )
A.近视眼 凸透镜 B.远视眼 凹透镜
C.远视眼 凸透镜 D.近视眼 凹透镜
18、某医院接收一位禽流感病人后,及时对该病人进行隔离治疗,同时对病人的衣物和饮食用具进行严格的消毒。这两项措施分别属于( )
A. 切断传播途径、保护易感者 B.保护易感者、切断传播途径
C. 控制传染源、切断传播途径 D. 控制传染源、保护易感者
19、发育成桃子可食用部分的是( )
A、子房壁 B、胚珠 C、子房 D、受精卵

2. 广东高考模拟试卷

我电脑有以下试卷,你问我拿,我的邮箱是[email protected]我保证给你,这么多试卷,要追加悬赏哦!还附赠一套文科基础的试卷给你。


第Ⅰ卷(单项选择题 共126分)
1.文化生活中所讲的“文化”是指 ( )
A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④
2. 广东文化产业有相当的基础和规模,拥有的市场份额和技术含量走在全国前列,目前广东文化及相关产业增加值为1122.76亿元,已占GDP总量近7%,在全国最高。这说明( )
3. 席勒说:“人的完美需要在文化中实现。”这表明 ( )
A.文化影响人的实践活动 B.优秀文化可以增强人的精神力量
C.优秀文化促进人的全面发展 D.文化程度越高,人就越完美
4. “人最宝贵的是生命,生命对每个人只有一次。人的一生应这样度过:回首往事,他不会因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧。这样,在临死的时候,他就能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力,都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业一一为人类的解放而斗争。”保尔的这一名言影响了几代革命青年的成长。这表明 ( )
5. 当某一类文化借助媒介传播,成为公众关注的事情时,它就成了文化现象。文化现象无时无处不在。下列关于“文化”的说法中,正确的是( )
①文化由人创造并为人所特有 ②文化是人们社会实践的产物
③文化是一种社会精神力量 ④文化是人们认识世界、改造世界的物质手段
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
6. 我们参观历史名胜古迹,往往可以从中透视中国古代社会人们的精神世界和精神生活。这说明( )
A.精神的东西与物质的东西没有关系 B.精神的东西就是物质的东西
C.精神产品离不开物质载体 D.物质活动离不开精神活动
7.古诗“少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。”中“乡音无改”表现的是文化对人的影响的( )
A.潜移默化的特点 B.深远持久的特点
C.相对独立性的特点 D.差异性的特点

8.下列关于文化传播的说法正确的是( )
9.郑和下西洋对人类文明做出的贡献是( )
①传播了中华文明 ②促进了经济文化交流和经贸往来
③为世界文化的发展做出了贡献 ④开创了大众传媒的新形式
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
10.这幅画告诉我们 ( )
11.毛泽东说:“从孔夫子到孙中山,我们应当给予总结,承继这一份珍贵的遗产。”毛泽东所指出的“遗产”是指( )
A.传统习俗的继承 B.传统建筑的继承
C.传统文艺的继承 D.传统思想的继承
12. “海上生明月,天涯共此时”表达中华民族( )
A.民族文化的广泛认同感 B.民族文化的多样性
C.民族文化的相对稳定性 D.民族文化是民族的,又是世界的
13. 李时珍为了写《本草纲目》,行程万里实地考察,不仅向他人请教,更注重亲自试验。他吞服曼陀罗,直到精神恍惚、失去知觉,终于认识到这种植物的麻醉作用。这说明( )
A.我们应积极进行文化创新 B.社会实践是文化创新的源泉
C.社会实践是文化创新的动力 D.我们应积极进行社会实践
14. 教育是人类特有的传承文化的能动性活动,具有选择、传递、创造文化的特定功能,在人的教化与培养上始终扮演着重要的角色。以下对教育在文化传承中所起的作用认识不正确的是( )
15.《说文解字》解释说:“宗,尊祖庙也。”也就是说,宗法的“宗”的本义是宗庙。这说明我国宗法制纽带是( )
A.财产 B.地域 C.信仰 D.血缘

秦朝对祖国疆域的初步奠定和华夏族的形成等,作出巨大的贡献,秦始皇功不可没, 下图是秦始皇和他开拓疆域,回答16-17题
16.秦始皇在咸阳宫举行的一次庆功宴上对群臣说:“天下共苦,战斗不休,以有侯王。赖宗庙,天下初定,又复立国,是叔兵也,而求其宁息,岂不难哉!”始皇为解决上述问题,“求其宁息”的措施是( )
A.焚书坑儒 B.推行郡县制
C.攻打匈奴 D.修筑长城
17.秦统一南方越族地区后,设置三郡,委派官吏治理,南海郡就是广州的前身,而在北方对匈奴族采取的主要措施是( )
A.开通灵渠 B.修筑长城
C.大规模移民到辽东郡 D.修筑驰道
18.唐宋削弱相权以加强皇权,其共同策略之一是( )
A.确立和完善三省六部制 B.分割宰相权力
C.以六部分理全国政务 D.以中书省为最高行政机关
19.君主专制制度空前发展的标志是( )
20.看图读史,断定正误,错的一组是( )

(1) (2) (3)
21.洪秀全主张天下人 “平分天下田”,孙中山提出“平均地权”。二者主张的相似点是( )
A.反对封建地主土地所有制 B.维护自给自足的小农经济
C.具有鲜明的资本主义色彩 D.土地国有和绝对平分产品
22.义和团运动的性质是( )
A.农民反帝反封建运动 B.反封建反侵略的农民运动
C.农民反帝爱国运动 D.反封建的农民运动
23.日本在《马关条约》和《辛丑条约》两个条约中取得的相同的侵略权益是( )
A.公使驻京 B.驻扎军队 C.开埠通商 D.巨额赔款
24.中国的抗日战争对世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出了巨大贡献,突出表现在( )
A.中国战场最广大 B.中国抗日战争最艰苦
C.中国反法西斯战争时间最长 D.中国为抗击日本法西斯的主力战场
25.下列对1912年成立的南京临时政府性质的说法正确的是( )
26.之所以说国民党“一大”的召开标志着革命统一战线的建立,从根本上说是因为它( )
A.接受了共产国际的指示 B.确立了国共合作的基础
C.创建了革命的武装 D.明确了斗争的目标
27.此图片与文字是1953年12月中国代表团访问印度,一位同学读取得信息如下,请你判定以下正确的一组应该是( )

④ 此图片与文字反映新中国外交的成熟
A.①②③④都对 ,没有错误 B.①③④是对的, ②是错的
C.①②③是对的, ④是错的 D.①④ 是对的,②③是错的
28.党的十六届四中全会,进一步提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的任务,强调形成全体人民各尽其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会是巩固党执政的社会基础、实现党执政的历史任务的必然要求,要适应我国社会的深刻变化,把和谐社会建设摆在重要位置,新中国初实行的几项制度为和谐社会的构建点定了坚实的基础。正确的一组是( )
①多党合作与政治协商制度 ②人民代表大会制度
③民主区域自治制度 ④社会主义制度
A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③

29.关于图中山脉的说法,不正确的是 ( )
A.华北平原与黄土高原的分界线 B.第二阶梯与第三阶梯分界线
C.河北省与山西省分界线 D.季风区与非季风区分界线
30.甲、乙两地区共有的资源优势是 ( )
A.石油 B.煤炭 C.水能 D.太阳能
31.造成甲地区现代突出环境问题的主要原因是 ( )
A.夏季降水集中 B.土质疏松
C.风力侵蚀 D.植被人为破坏严重
32.实行计划生育以来,我国每年净增人口数量仍在一千万以上,其最主要的原因是( )
A.人口死亡率低 B.人口出生率高
C.人口基数大 D.人口自然增长率高
33.当黑龙江省还是冰天雪地时,海南岛已是春耕大忙了。这是由于我国 ( )
A.纬度跨度大 B.经度跨度大
C.海陆差异大 D.地形差异大
34.我国年降水量分布的规律是( )
A.由南向北逐渐减少 B.由东南沿海向西北内陆递减
C.由北向南逐渐减少 D.由第一阶梯向第二、第三阶梯减少
35.秦岭-淮河一线与以下列哪些地理界线大致相同( )
A.0℃年等温线 B.亚热带与暖温带分界限
C.半湿润区与半干旱区的分界线 D.四百毫米年等降水量线
A.青藏高原 B.内蒙古高原 C.云贵高原 D.黄土高原
37.下面四幅等高线地形图中,表示盆地的是( )

A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁
38.属于纵贯南北美洲西部山系的山脉是( )
A.阿尔卑斯山和落基山脉 B.落基山脉和安第斯山脉
C.喜马拉雅山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉 D.喜马拉雅山脉和安第斯山脉

39.如果作一次一日往返的徒步野外考察,下面四种比例尺地图最不适用的是( )
A.1:20000 B.1/30000
C. D.图上一厘米代表实地距离250km

40.在一幅较完整的等高线地形图上,必须要有( )
A.指向标 B.海拔和相对高度 C.比例尺 D.各种不同的颜色
41.下列叙述正确的是( )
42.绘制地形剖面图时,选择垂直比例尺最主要的依据是( )
A.地形起伏的程度 B.水平比例尺的大小
C.相对高度大小 D.等高线的疏密程度
43.下列记时叙述的数据中表示时间的是:( )
44.一支100m长的队伍匀速前进,通讯员从队尾赶到队前传达命令然后立即返回,当通讯员回到队尾时,队伍已前进了200m,在这个过程中,通讯员的位移大小是( )
A.400m B.100m C.200m D.300m
45.1991年5月11日的《北京晚报》曾报道了这样一则动人事迹:5月9日下午,一位4岁的小男孩从高层塔楼的15层坠下,被同楼的一位青年在楼下接住,幸免于难,设每层楼高是3.0m,这样青年从他所在的地方冲到楼下需要的时间是1.3s,则该青年要接住孩子,至多允许他的反应时间是(g=10m/s2)( )
A.3.0s B.1.6s C.1.7s D.1.3s
46.下面是我国宋代诗人陈与义所写《襄邑道中》的绝句:飞花两岸照船红,百里榆堤半日红;卧看满天云不动,不知云与我俱东。诗中描叙“我”运动时选取的参考系是( )
A.两岸 B.飞花 C.云 D.榆堤
48.关于自由落体运动的加速度g,下列说法中正确的是( )
49.一辆汽车从静止开始由甲地出发,沿平直公路开往乙地,汽车先做匀加速运动,接着做匀减速运动,开到乙地刚好停止,其速度图象如图所示,那么0—to和to—3to两段时间内( )
A.速度大小之比为3 :1 B.位移大小之比为2:1
C.平均速度大小之比为2:1 D.平均速度大小之比为1:1
50.下列有关物质的用途与其性质是相对应的是( )
51.氮、磷、钾等是植物生长所必需的元素,所以含有这些元素的物质可以作为化肥;含有多种植物生长必需元素的化肥称为复合肥。则下列物质属于复合肥的是( )
A.NH4NO3 B.Ca(H2PO4)2 C.K2CO3 D.KNO3

52.甲厂排放的废水中含有的三种离子是( )
A.Ag+、Fe3+、NO3― B.Ag+、Fe3+、K+
C.Fe3+、Cl―、NO3― D. Fe3+、NO3―、K+
53.为了回收甲工厂废水中的贵重金属,可以在其中加入( )
A.Fe B.活性炭 C.硫酸亚铁 D.硝酸
54.下列俗语或警句中不涉及到化学反应原理的是( )
A.“真金不怕火炼” B.“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”
B.“火要空心,人要虚心” D.“酒越陈越香”
55.实验室中用CuSO4·5H2O来配制100mL0.1mol/L CuSO4溶液,需要称量CuSO4·5H2O的质量为( )
A.1.6g B.2.0g C.0.01mol D.2.5g
56.硫酸具有强氧化性,对人体的皮肤和其它的物质有很强烈的腐蚀性,所以盛放硫酸的容器上应贴上的标签是( )

57.活细胞内合成酶的场所主要是 ( )
A.内质网 B.叶绿体 C.核糖体 D.高尔基体
58.人在发烧时食欲较差,其病理是 ( )
A.胃不能排空 B.小肠不能蠕动
C.消化酶活性受影响 D.消化腺不能分泌消化液
59.新鲜鱼、肉用盐渍不变质,其原因是( )
C. 由于渗透作用使细菌失水死亡
60.根据细胞质壁分离和复原的现象,可判断( )
A.细胞是活的还是死的 B.细胞呼吸作用的强弱
C.细胞膜上载体数量的多少 D.细胞的吸收矿质元素的能力
61.动、植物细胞共有但功能不同的细胞器是( )
A.线粒体 B.核糖体 C.内质网 D.高尔基体
62.噬菌体(一种病毒)、蓝藻和酵母菌都具有的物质或结构是( )
A.细胞壁 B.细胞膜 C.线粒体 D.核酸
63.肝脏细胞中,含量最多的化合物是( )
A.胆汁 B.水 C.肝糖元 D.蛋白质

第Ⅱ卷(不定项选择题 共24分)
64.下列属于文化生活的是( )
A.人大代表参加人代会 B.到商场购买衣服
C.与家人一起下棋 D.在电脑上查阅资料
65.在世界多极化和经济全球化进程中,作为发展中国家的中国,在文化发展上面临严峻挑战,新形势下,要提升文化竞争力,就要做到( )
66.下列关于文化继承与发展的关系,说法正确的是( )
67.中华文化源远流长,有巨大的包容性,即求同存异和兼收并蓄。中华文化巨大包容性的积极意义在于( )
68.西方国家建立了资产阶级立宪制或共和制的时候,明清两朝却在强化专制,目的只有一个——绝对的君主专制。虽然都出现了内阁,而明朝内阁与西方的内阁作用不同之处在于( )
A.使皇权分解 B.内阁的成立是皇权加大的表现
C.设置内阁只是专制集权的另一种表现形式 D.顺应中国特殊的国情
69.下列关于辛亥革命成功之处的表述,不正确的是( )
70.中国共产党对中国革命与建设进行了艰辛的探索,下列各项决策,是基于国内矛盾做出的正确的判断而提出的有( )
A.和平解决西安事变的方针 B.过渡时期总路线的提出
C.党八大确立党的总任务 D.扩大反右斗争的规模
71.图(1)(2)都与中国农民有关,苦难农民最想得到的是土地,我们根据当时的背景分析两幅图,反映的是史实恰当的为( )

(1) (2)
72.读下面两幅等高线地形图判断( )
73.有关大洲地形的叙述,正确的是( )
74.关于地表形态特征的叙述,正确的是( )
75.黄土高原水土流失造成的环境问题是( )

1-5 DDCBA 6-10 CBAAB 11-14 DABC
15-20 DBBBDA 21-25 ACDDC 26-28 BDD
29-33 DBDCA 34-38 BBBCB 39-42 DBBC
43 A
44 C 提示:位移大小指运动过程中初、末位置间的距离。
45 B 提示:由h=1/2gt2计算出下落时间t=2.9秒
46 A
47 D
48 A 提示:g值取决于物体所处位置处的高度及纬度,与其它因素无关。
49 D 提示:利用速度-时间图象的性质即可求解。
50 C(石墨作铅笔芯因为其柔软,干冰降雨因为其气化吸热,铜作导线因为其导电)
51 D
52 A(甲的废水呈现酸性,所以OH―存在于乙中,而Fe3+和Ag+与OH―不能共存,所以Fe3+和Ag+存在于甲中,Cl―不能与Ag+共存,所以Cl―存在于乙中,在一个溶液里不可能只存在阳离子或只存在阴离子,故NO3―在甲中,K+在乙中)
53 A(甲废水中贵重金属是Ag,用Fe置换)
54 B(A说明金的化学性质不活泼,C体现了燃烧充分的条件,D酒精放置长时间后有少量的酯生成)
55 D(需要CuSO4 0.01mol,CuSO4·5H2O的摩尔质量为250g/mol)
56 C(依次表示“当心触电”、“当心感染”、“当心腐蚀”、“当心中毒”)
57-63 C C C A D D B
64 CD 65 ABCD 66 ACD 67 AB
68 BC 69 CD 70 ABC 71 AD
72 AD 73 AB 74 AB 75 CD

3. 高考模拟地理题一道,急!~~~~~


4. 地理高考模拟题选哪本好


5. 广东 高考 地理 大题 用怎样的 思路 去做啊


6. 求广东高考各科模拟题

第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Dress Sense
A city street in mainland Britain. It’s 11:15pm on a cold Friday night in the __21__ of winter. Two young women in crop __22__ showing their bare waists and shoulders, and mini skirts with no tights underneath, are __23__ along arm in arm. “’Ello, daring!” they shout, “where you from then?” And they run off down the road screaming with laughter. “Good heavens!” wonders the visitor, “aren’t they cold?” This is an/a __24__ of our famous British toughness. On the other hand, in summer the same visitor may observe Brits sitting on the beach wearing __25__ and pullovers with long woolen socks under their sandals. The important thing to remember is that the British dress to __ 26__ themselves and to show their independence of fashion, weather, __27__ convention and color theory. For many foreigners visiting Britain it’s a __28__ change to be able to dress without having to __29__ if their clothes are the wrong size, or __30__, or are torn, or inside out, or show off their fat legs.
21. A. light B. cold C. snow D. moon
22. A. trousers B. hats C. tops D. raincoats
23. A. wandering B. skiing C. skating D. dancing
24. A. description B. example C. picture D. case
25. A. T-shirts B. shorts C. mini skirts D. jackets
26. A. please B. make up C. exercise D. challenge
27. A. school B. national C. social D. old
28. A. astonishing B. welcome C. whole D. outstanding
29. A. wear B. change C. avoid D. worry
30. A. are lager B. don’t fit C. don’t match D. don’t suit

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.
In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.
“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”
Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money.

III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
The old camera Brownie picked up in a charity shop was a splendid find. But the undeveloped film still inside turned out to be even more of a treasure.
New owner Don Roccoforte had it developed and saw in it an attractive dark haired woman in her thirties with two young boys. He immediately determined to try to find out who they were.
A few weeks later the California-based camera collector received the news that left him stunned . The woman was his wife Jaqueline’s aunt in a picture taken around 50 years ago, and one of the boys, her cousin.
The couple have now unraveled(揭开)the astonishing coincidence, which leads back to Mrs. Roccoforte’s native Lancashire, where many of her family still live. The camera was bought from a shop in Preston by Brownie, a friend of Mr. Roccoforte, who knew of his interest in photography and thought it would be an unusual gift.
Back in California, the contents of his new possession inspired Mr. Roccoforte’s curiosity. Recognizing the water in the background of the photo as a lake in Lancashire, he sent a to the local paper in Preston to see if any readers could help.
Another relative recognized the group as Winnie Bamber, still living in the area at the age of 81, her son Tony, Mrs. Roccoforte’s cousin, and Tony’s childhood friend, Mick Murphy.
Yesterday Mrs. Bamber was still gasping (惊讶地吸气)at the turn of events which has reunited two strands(分支)of her family.
She said she remembered taking the boys to the lake and losing the camera. The two boys, both now 58, still live near Preston.
Mrs. Roccoforte’s father is Winnie Bamber’s brother, Billy Charnley.
He and his wife moved to America in the 1960s. Their daughter met Mr. Roccoforte there and they married and moved to Preston for two years before returning to America.
41. Which of the following is the right order of what happened?
a. Don Roccoforte received a special present from his friend.
b. Another relative recognized Winnie Bamber and the two boys.
c. Winnie Bamber, together with two boys, went to take pictures at a lake.
d. Don Roccoforte sent a of the picture to a paper in Preston.
e. The film was developed.
f. The camera was lost.
g. Brownie bought an old camera in a shop.
A.c→f→b→a→d→g→e B.b→c→a→f→d→e→g
C.c→f→g→a→e→d→b D.a→c→b→f→e→g→d
42. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Tony is the son of Winnie Bamber.
B.Billy Charnley’s daughter was married to Don Roccoforte.
C.Brownie married Winnie Bamber.
D.Mrs. Roccoforte is Winnie Bamber’s niece.
43. The underlined word “stunned” is closest in meaning to .
A.disappointed B.shocked C.worried D.satisfied
44. Lancashire is most likely to be located in .
A.America B.Russia C.California D.England
45. The best title for this passage would be .
A. The Film that Waited 50 Years to Be Developed
B. An Unusual Reunion after about Half a Century
C. A Special Present to a Special Friend
D. An Old Camera and the Beautiful Pictures In side

There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.
People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things. The pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.
Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrong doings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.
46. People who are unhappy .
A. always consider things differently from others
B. usually are affected by the results of certain things
C. usually misunderstand what others think or say
D. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things
47. The underlined phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means “ ”.
A. have a good taste with social life
B. make others unhappy
C. tend to scold others openly
D. enjoy the pleasure of life

48. We can conclude from the passage that
A. we should pity all such unhappy people
B. such unhappy people are dangerous to social life
C. people can get rid of the habit of unhappiness
D. unhappy people can not understand happy persons
49. If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit, the author suggests that people should .
A. prevent any communication with them
B. show no respect and politeness to them
C. persuade them to recognize the bad effects
D. quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes
50. In this passage, the writer mainly .
A. describes two types of people
B. laughs at the unhappy people
C. suggests ways to help the unhappy
D. tells people how to be happy in life

An Australian-based scientist announced yesterday he had made a step forward in forensic (用于法庭的) DNA testing so that an indivial can be identified by a single cell.
Ian Findlay, from the Australian Genome Research Facility at the University of Queensland, said current DNA testing required 200 to 500 cells to gain a similar level of accuracy. "What we have done has brought that down to one cell," Dr Findlay said after releasing details of his DNA testing technique at a Sydney conference.
The technology could allow investigators to pick up DNA identities from plastic cards and even build up a complete history of the people who have handled a paper document.
"You'd have to wear a space suit to stop yourself from leaving traces. You can identify cells on the paper, so you can work out where it's come from and who's touched it,” he said.
The technique could also be used to trace the thrower of a punch(打孔)from cells left behind on the skin of their victim. Even the wearing of latex(橡胶)gloves would not help: small cells can pass through the gloves, and the constant flow of genetic material given off by the human body would leave further evidence.
"We gained a skin cell from a document dating back 30 years and managed to gain a DNA fingerprint. DNA evidence can remain fresh for decades, perhaps even centuries," Dr Findlay said. "The potential for this technology to solve unsolved crimes is great, "he said.
But Dr Findlay, named scientist of the year in 1998 by the European Society of Human Genetics, said the new testing needed to be scientifically validated, which would take up to five years.
He said, "There are serious consequences taking on technologies too early. The public has to be sure that they have the utmost confidence in the security and court systems."

51. The main advantage of the new technology is that ______.
A.a single cell can identify an indivial
B.it has brought down the cost of DNA testing
C.a higher level of accuracy can be acquired with a single cell
D.it needs less than 200 cells to gain a certain level of accuracy
52. The underlined word" validated" means ______.
A. confirmed B. imagined C. supposed D. criticized
53. According to Ian Findlay, the new technology can ______.
A. help to keep DNA evidence fresh for decades and even centuries
B. make the process of DNA testing much more simplified
C. help to pick up DNA identities more easily
D. be widely used in five years at most
54. The last paragraph suggests that ______.
A. the immediate adopting of the technology may cause mistakes
B. the public have acknowledged the new testing technology
C. it is safe to put the new technology into use now
D. Dr Findlay is quite sure of his new technology
55. The aim of the passage is to ______.
A. praise Ian Findlay for his work
B. report a piece of interesting news
C. inform us of the wide use of DNA testing
D. tell us a recent improvement in DNA testing
第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A. Winson’s House
This holiday house, situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain, is a ground floor apartment. It offers different kinds of modern sports appliances, which is very ideal for couples of sports lovers. Besides, the Wallin Golf club is within 10 minutes’ walk.
B. Peniche Holl Inn
Peniche Holl will be the right place for you if you are looking for a historic place of interest. At the water’s edge on the south side of town stands a 15th century Castle. It now contains a museum of local archaeology and crafts. You can also visit several other churches and museums.
C. Ted’s Cottage
Set in a quiet and private village. You can enjoy attractive views from your bedrooms and the kitchen. Two outside decks and a double garage with remote control doors. Only 4 km from the downtown. If you want to cook, you can drive to the Friday evening supermarket to choose a variety of food.
D. Ivar House
We invite you to take a vacation on the island of Hvar, near Milna Bay. Our house has a swimming pool and a garden full of greenery. Vacation can be organized in groups or singly. Smaller places such as Jelse and Boska are quiet and beautiful places with stone paths and romantic town squares. You can also take some adventures on the island.
E. Tilda’s House
It is a large and attractive house with a swimming pool and a garage. The house is decorated in Italian style with an eating area, a fireplace and a sitting area, which overlooks the Alcantara Valley and several villages.
F. Casare’s Holliday Inn
Casare’s Holliday Inn is set in a large but quiet village, with tropical gardens. It’s suitable for families and the elderly. You can take a walk in the gardens. Besides, the villagers are very friendly and generous.
56. The Smiths have just retired. They want to spend their holiday in a quiet place with beautiful scenery and friendly people around.
57. Some college students are longing for a summer vacation. But they can’t reach an agreement where to go. Some want to swim, some want an adventurous holiday while others want to take some quiet walks.
58. Mr Benth is a professor in a university. He is interested in ancient architecture and crafts. Though he has been to many places, he still wants to visit some place of interest this year.
59. David and his wife want to have an active holiday. They are both sports fans and lovers of outdoor activities. David enjoys horse-racing and hiking while his wife enjoys playing golf.
60. Tom is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a few days. He and his wife have decided to spend a holiday where they can do some cooking and also breathe fresh air. They will drive there so that they can go around at any time.

IV 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)
比赛时间 5月1 日
比赛形式 演讲、歌曲、舞蹈、器乐等八个组别
设奖方式 每个组别设一等奖1人,二等奖3人,三等奖5人
报名时间 截止到4月30日
报名地点 广州电视台
1 比赛时间;
2 比赛形式;
3 设奖方式;
4 报名时间及地点;
5 希望多才多艺的同学能积极报名参加。
第二节 读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)
BEIJING -- A 50-city quarterly survey concted by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) found that in the first quarter, 49.2 percent of the 20,000 respondents said prices had become intolerable. While 47.5 percent of the respondents felt prices were rather high but still tolerable. Mr. Dou Lanqing, one respondent, said, “The goods in supermarket are apparently more expensive than before. In the meanwhile, I have to pay a bigger bill if my family go out for dinner now.”
The report also found that many families began to take different measures to rece the stress from the increasing prices. It shows that 35.4 percent of those surveyed generally put their money into banks, and that 27.6 percent tended to invest in stocks and mutual funds, down 8.2 percentage points quarter-on-quarter. Besides, most people prefer to work out a family budget. Mr. Dou said, “With a reasonable budget, I can save more than 20% of my money every month, which used to be spent on unnecessary things. As long as we manage our money properly, the increasing prices, I think, should be not that terrible.”
1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;
2. 然后以约120个词就“物价上涨及中学生节省开支”这一话题写一篇发言稿,发表看法,并包括如下要点:
1. 可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
3. 标题自定。
Dear boys and girls,
It’s my great honour to make a speech here. Recently, the People’s Bank of China concted a quarterly survey on prices in 50 cities.

第一节 完形填空
21-25 BCABD 26-30 ACBDC
第二节 语法填空
31. who 32. But 33. a 34. hid 35. Another 36. it 37. saying 38. will be 39. strength 40. Under
III 阅读
第一节 阅读理解
41-45CCBDA 46-50DBCAC 51-55 AACAD
第二节 信息匹配56—60 FDBAC
IV 写作

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