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发布时间: 2021-03-05 13:18:56

㈠ 南宁事广西最大的城市,位于广西的南部 用英语怎么说


㈡ 南宁在哪里英语好


㈢ 跪求南宁市概况的英文介绍

Nanning is the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has jurisdiction over five urban counties, an area of ​​10,029 square kilometers, more than 2.9 million total population, urban population of 1.3 million, Guangxi political, economic, information and cultural center.

Nanning back southwest, for Southeast Asia, adjacent to Guangdong, Hong Kong, has a unique geographical advantage and geography, is China's South China, Southwest and Southeast Asia economic circle of the junction, is the "South-Guiyang-Kunming" and the Beibu Bay economic zone along the important economic center, is the southwest region of China and Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia, the connection point and the hub of the city.

Border city of Nanning, China since ancient times and famous commercial port, with 1680 years of history, but also an economic construction and social undertakings flourishing new cities. The traditional sugar, food, machinery, chemicals, building materials led to bio-engineering and pharmaceuticals, electronic information, new materials, mechanical and electrical integration of new instries and other categories of the more complete, the proction ability of the instrial system; to develop tourism, information services and instry-focused trade exhibition, finance and insurance, community services and intermediary services for sustainable development prosperity of the third instrial system; food-based, with fruit, vegetables, sugar cane as a leader, matching aquaculture breeding and processing of both suburban agricultural system, forming a comprehensive, multi-level and wide-ranging opening pattern, as a preliminary showing of Guangxi Nanning technology innovation, proct innovation, institutional innovation base and center of advantage. Nanning National High-tech Development Zone, Nanning Economic and Technological Development Zone, National, Overseas Chinese Investment Zone, Fairy Lake Development Zone and Instrial Park, Overseas Students Pioneer Park, modern agriculture demonstration area, Nanning Software Park, the enterprise post-doctoral research station, to become Nanning Science and Technology external windows and economic innovation and strong economic growth.

Nanning is located in the sub-tropical, picturesque scenery, spring, fruit fragrance, known as "China Green City" in the world; the annual Nanning International Folk Song Arts Festival much worldwide attention. Nanning was awarded "China's top fifty cities in comprehensive strength", "National Sanitary City", "National Excellent City urban environment comprehensive improvement", "National supports model city", "National Garden City", "China's Excellent Tourism City", "National Advanced City for civilized", "United Nations Habitat Award for a good example of environmental improvement," and many other awards, and Zhuang ethnic culture and a long green city open city culture with the human environment.

Facing the new century, opportunities for development, Nanning people of all nationalities are portrayed with diligence and wisdom, a blueprint for a better future

㈣ 求英文版南宁简介

以下是南宁市官网(英文版)发布的“南宁简介(Brief Introction of Nanning)”

Brief Introction of Nanning

Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is located in Southern Guangxi in the sub-tropical region between 107°19′ - 109°38′ East Longitude and 22°12′ - 24°2′ North Latitude With an area of 22,293 square kilometers, it is situated in the middle of Nanning Basin through which Yongjiang River runs.

Nanning enjoys a favorable geographical location in Southwestern China, connecting the Indo-China Peninsula to the west and Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macao and Hainan Province to the east, making it not only an important economic center along the Beibu Gulf, but also a rapid growing gateway city to Southeast Asia in the southern and southwestern parts of China. The city is only 104, 173 and 204 kilometers respectively to the Ports of Qinzhou, Fangcheng and Beihai, and only 204 and 230 kilometers respectively to the cities of Dongxing and Pingxiang bordering Vietnam. Moreover, it is at both railways and Yongjiang River. Four key railways meet here, namely, Hunan-Guangxi Railway, Guizhou-Guangxi Railway, Litang-Zhanjiang Railway and Nanning-Kunming Railway, making the city an important hub in Southwestern China. The completion of the 2nd Phase Project of dredging Xijiang River enables thousand-ton ships to sail directly from Nanning to Hong Kong and Macao via the Yongjiang River, a branch of the Xijiang River.

As an important gateway to Southeast Asia for Southwestern China, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and ASEAN countries. It is becoming a new and booming economic zone and a hotspot for foreign investment in China. With its rapid urban development, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its best green coverage in the country.






㈤ 广西南宁的地理位置


㈥ 英文介绍南宁

南宁民俗风情 广西素有“歌海”之称,是壮族歌仙刘三姐的故乡,刘三姐是壮族人心目中美与爱、智慧与才能的化身。壮族人民历来都有唱山歌的习俗,每逢节日及重大节庆活动都以唱山歌的方式互相交流,传情达意。 农历的三月三是壮族传统的歌圩,在这一天许多壮家姑娘、小伙甚至是上年纪的老人都会在田间山坡上相互对唱山歌,或以歌定情,或以歌会友。他们带着节前已做好的五色糯饭和彩蛋,先祭祀歌仙刘三姐的神像,祈求她赐予歌才。 从1993年起,广西在“三月三”歌节的基础上,每年在首府南宁举办“广西国际民歌节”,广邀国内外艺术家和各界人士参加民歌盛会。1999年起,每届民歌节仍由区政府主办,但分别在各个城市举办。 南宁聚居着壮、汉、苗、瑶、侗、毛南等三十多个民族,其中壮族占人口的64%,达170多万。壮族是目前我国各少数民族中人口最多的民族,历史悠久,有着灿烂的民族文化。一年到头,壮乡总有着接连不断的传统民俗活动,一年一度的国际民歌艺术节使南宁变成了歌的海洋,舞的世界、盛装的壮乡男女与中外歌舞集一堂,整个城市荡漾着民歌的悠扬旋律,而抛绣球、板鞋舞、抢花炮、踩风车以及多彩的的民间舞蹈无不鼓动你一颗欢乐的心!如果你有幸能赶上,定会成为你此生难忘的美好回忆。 壮族是南宁的土著民族,其先祖是古代我国南方百越族的西匝、骆越两个支系。壮族历史悠久,是全国55个少数民族中人口最多的民族。壮族有自己的语言文字,他们能够唱出最美丽的山歌,传说中的刘三姐身上集中体现了壮族人民喜唱山歌、勤劳智慧的形象。 在漫长历史中,壮族与其他兄弟民族、特别是汉族人民不断融合,团结友好地生活在祖国的南部边陲

㈦ 介绍南宁(英文版)


Nanning is capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and a rising instrial city. Under a subtropical climate, it is a fine tourist city that is extolled as an "evergreen metropolis". This garden city has so much to offer its visitors, such as Guangxi Museum, Guangxi Ethnic Artefact Garden, and Guangxi Medical botanical Garden. Its outskirts are clustered with attractions as well. These include the Yiling Cave of Wuming County, Stone Forest and one of the world's eight major slanting pagodas in Chongzuo, the mysterious Huashan Murals in Ningming County, the waterfall that crosses the Sino-Vietnamese border in Daxin County, Friendship pass at Pingxiang, as well as the exotic folklore on the Sino-Vietnamese borderline.

㈧ 用英语介绍广西南宁

Nanning is the capital of Guangxi autonomous region in southern China. It is known as the "Green City" because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage.

Nanning is located in the southern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 160 km from the border with Vietnam. It has an area of 22,293 square kilometers.

The city is located on the north bank of the Yong River, the chief southern tributary of the Xi River, and lies some 30 km below the confluence of the Yu and the Zuo rivers. The Yong River (which later becomes the Yu River) affords a good route to Guangzhou and is navigable by shallow-draft junks and motor launches, even though it is obstructed by rapids and sandbanks.

Nanning is situated in a hilly basin with elevations between 70 and 500 m above sea-level. Qingxiu Mountain dominates the southern part of town.

Nanning's climate is sub-tropical and monsoonal and it is sometimes warm in winters as well as summers. Average temperature is 21.7°. It is often windy or breezy and very rainy, with more than 1300 mm of precipitation annually. It is also frost-free for all but 3 or 4 days a year and never snows.

㈨ 南宁的地理位置

南宁位于来广西中南部,是广自西壮族自治区的首府,大致位于东经108度,北纬22度。是广西高速公路网的枢纽,过境主要有高速桂海高速(桂林—柳州—南宁—北海—往广东)、南梧高速(南宁—梧州,往广东)、南百高速(南宁—百色)、都南高速(南宁—都安—往贵州)、南友高速(南宁—友谊关,出境越南),其中桂海高速南段(南北高速)可接钦防高速(钦州—防城港),钦州、防城港、北海为广西三大出海口,大西南的出海物资由此三地出海。经过南宁的主要铁路线为南昆线、湘桂线,其中南昆线是连接广西与大西南的重要纽带,湘桂线是连接广西与华中、华北的重要通道。水运相对较弱,南宁被邕江从中间穿过,但邕江的航运并不十分发达,故水运对南宁的影响力小。南宁作为中国东盟的开会地,近些年得到了十足的发展,已经逐渐摆脱了以往的落后局面,同时能够继续保持其绿化(南宁称为“绿城”),是十分适宜人们居住的城市。 不好意思,说多了一些,主要因为我是南宁人,想为家乡做点宣传。以上全手打,均为我多年居住南宁所了解到的情况,很真实,希望你能喜欢。

㈩ 用英语介绍南宁40字左右

My hometown is a small village in Nanning. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here

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