⑴ 介绍一下中国的地理形态 (中英文)
China has an immense territory totaling 9.6 million square kilometers. On this vast area of land, there are high mountains, long rivers, unlating hills, boundless plains and fertile basins.
Staircase Terrain
China's surface slopes down from west to east like a four-step staircase. The top of the staircase is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average elevation of more than 4,000 meters and known as "the Roof of the World". The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is composed of rows of snow-capped peaks and glaciers. The major mountain ranges are the Kunlun, the Gangdise and the Himalayas.
The second steppe consists of the Inner Mongolia, loess and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus, and the Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan basins, with an average attitude of 1,000 meters.
The third steppe, about 500 - 1,000 meters in elevation, begins at the line from the Greater Hinggan, Taihang, Wushan and Xuefeng mountain ranges eastward to the seacoast. Here, running from north to south are the Northeast Plain, the North China Plain and the Middle-lower Yangtze Plain. Interspersed amongst the plains are hills and foothills.
To the east of the third steppe, the shallow water of the continental shelf, an extension of the land into the ocean, forms the forth steppe of the staircase. The depth of the water here is less than 200 meters filled with large quantities of mud and sand carried into the sea by rivers.
Five Mountains Ridges
China is a mountainous country with five mountain ridges:
1、 东西走向:天山-阴山-燕山山系;昆仑山-大别山 山系和南岭山系。
West-to-East Mountain Ranges, including the Tianshan-Yinshan-Yanshan Mountain Ridge, the Kunlun-Qinling-Dabie Mountain Ridge and the Nanling Ridge.
2、 南北走向:贺兰山、六盘山、横断山等山脉。
North-to-South Mountain Ranges, including the Helan, liupan and Hengan Ranges;
3、 东北-西南走向:长白山、大兴安岭、太行山、巫山等。
Northeast-to-Southwest Mountain Ranges, including the Chan, Greater Hinggan, Taihang and Wushan Ranges;
4、 西北-东南走向:阿尔泰山、祁连山、冈底斯山等。
Northwest-to-Southeast Mountain Ranges, including the Altay, Qilian and Gangdise Ranges;
5、 弧形山脉:主要是喜马拉雅山、台湾山地等。
Arc-shaped Mountain Ranges, including the Himalayas and Tainwan Mountains.
⑵ 中国国家地理百科全书有没有英文版的
⑶ 中国地理之最(加各地方的英文名称
1. 面积最大的省来级行政区:新疆源维吾尔自治区 Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
2. 面积最小的省级行政区:澳门特别行政区macao
3. 人口最多的省级行政区:河南省Henan Province
4. 人口最少的省级行政区:澳门特别行政区macao
5. 领土的最东端:黑龙江省的黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的相交处(135°E)
6. 领土的最南端:南海的南沙群岛中的曾母暗沙(4°N附近)James Shoal
7. 领土的最西端:新疆帕米尔高原(73°E)Pamirs,亦作Pamir
8. 领土的最北端:黑龙江省漠河以北的黑龙江主航道中心线上(53°E)
9. 大陆海岸线的最北点:鸭绿江口The Yalu River
10. 大陆海岸线的最南点:北仑河口Beilun River
⑷ 用英语介绍中国的地理位置
The People’s Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries.
China lies in the east of Asia. It has a number of neighboring countries. To the north, northeast and northwest are the Mongolia, Russia and Korea. To the south are Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Philippine. To the west and southwest are India, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. To the east is Japan, which faces China across the East China Sea.
China is a country with a vast territory. It has an area of over 9,600,000 square kilometers. It consists of 34 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Covernment. Beijing, which is situated in the North China, is its capital.
The People’s Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world. Now it has a population of more than 1.2 billion, making up a quarter of the world population.
⑸ 哪有有卖《中国国家地理杂志》英文版
⑹ 有一本100年前英文版中国地理有收藏价值吗书中有解放前各省地图。
你好 我是辽来宁省08年的地理状元 地理单源科96分 我在高中三年和上大学后做地理家教的这两年 主要用的图册有两本: 第一本:《中学地理 图文详解 指导地图册》(蓝橙色相间),山东省地图出版社的,谭木高考复习研究室编著。推荐理由: 一。涵盖了
⑺ 比较英国,美国,中国地理位置的不同用英文写
Compared to the United Kingdom, the United States, China's geographical location is different
⑻ 中国地理之最(加各地方的英文名称
1. 面积最大的省级行政区:新疆维吾尔自治区 Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
2. 面积最小的省级行政区:澳门特别行政区macao
3. 人口最多的省级行政区:河南省Henan Province
4. 人口最少的省级行政区:澳门特别行政区macao
5. 领土的最东端:黑龙江省的黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的相交处(135°E)
6. 领土的最南端:南海的南沙群岛中的曾母暗沙(4°N附近)James Shoal
7. 领土的最西端:新疆帕米尔高原(73°E)Pamirs,亦作Pamir
8. 领土的最北端:黑龙江省漠河以北的黑龙江主航道中心线上(53°E)
9. 大陆海岸线的最北点:鸭绿江口The Yalu River
10. 大陆海岸线的最南点:北仑河口Beilun River
11. 最高的山峰:珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma
12. 最长最宽的山脉:昆仑山脉KunLun mountains
13. 最长的河流:长江the Changjiang River或者是the Yangtse River
14. 含沙量最大的河流:黄河the Huanghe River或者是the Yellow River
15. 海拔最高的河流:雅鲁藏布江the Yarlung Zangbo [Yalu Tsangpo] River或者是Brahmaputra
16. 最长的内陆河:塔里木河Tarim River
17. 最长的地下河:坎儿井kariz
18. 最长的运河:京杭大运河The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou
19. 最早的越岭运河:灵渠Ling Canal
20. 面积最大的淡水湖:鄱阳湖Poyang Lake
21. 面积最大的咸水湖:青海湖Qinghai Lake
22. 最深的湖:长白山天池Chang Mountain Tianchi
23. 海拔最高的咸水湖:纳木错湖Nam Co Lake
24. 最大的瀑布:黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Waterfalls
25. 落差最大的瀑布:云台山瀑布(落差310米)Yuntai Mountain falls
26. 最大的瀑布群:云南的九龙河瀑布群Kowloon River
27. 面积最大的平原:东北平原Northeast China Plain
28. 最大的盆地:塔里木盆地Tarim Basin
29. 地势最低的盆地:吐鲁番盆地Turfan Depression,亦作T'u-lu-p'an p'en-ti或Turpan Pendi
30. 地势最高的盆地:柴达木盆地Qaidam Basin
31. 最高的高原:青藏高原Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
32. 最大的丘陵区:江南丘陵区Jiangnan hills
33. 最大的草原:内蒙古大草原Inner Mongolia prairie
34. 最大的峡谷: 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon
35. 最深的大峡谷:云南省丽江县的虎跳峡Hutiao Gorge
36. 最大的岛屿:台湾岛Taiwan Island
37. 最大的群岛:舟山群岛(岛屿1339个)Zhoushan Islands
38. 最大的冲积岛:崇明岛 Chongming Island
39. 岛屿最多的省:浙江省 Zhejiang Province
40. 最大的海峡:台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
41. 海岸线最曲折的省:福建省Fujian Province
42. 最大的半岛:辽东半岛liaotung peninsula
43. 最大的渔场:舟山渔场Zhoushan fishing ground
44. 陆地最高点:珠穆朗玛峰Mount Qomolangma
45. 最大的盐场:长芦盐场Changlu salt works
46. 陆地最低点:艾丁湖(-154米)Aydingkol Lake
47. 最大的冰川:因斯提冰川(长40千米)Insti glacier
48. 最厚的山谷冰川:纳木那尼冰川(厚度超过200米)Namunani glacier
49. 人口最多的民族:汉族the Han nationality, China's main nationality, distributed all over the country
50. 人口最少的民族:珞巴族living in the Tibet Autonomous Region
51. 人口最多的少数民族:壮族Cuengh
52. 少数民族最多的省:云南省Yunnan Province
53. 最大的广场:天安门广场Tian'anmen Square
54. 降水量最多的地方:台湾省东北部的火烧寮
55. 降水最少的地方:吐鲁番盆地中的托克逊
56. 面积最大的沙漠:塔克拉马干沙漠The Taklimakan Desert
57. 最大的城市:上海
58. 温泉最多的城市:济南
59. 最大的山城:重庆
60. 私家园林最多的城市:苏州
61. 离海洋最远的城市:乌鲁木齐
62. 阳光最充足的城市:拉萨
63. 最东端的小镇:乌苏镇Wusu town
64. 最南端的城市:三亚Sanya
65. 最北端的村庄:漠河Mohe County
66. 最热的城市:吐鲁番Turpan
67. 最冷的村庄:漠河
68. 最著名的南北分界线:秦岭——淮河
69. 地震最频繁的省:台湾省
70. 最大的港口:上海港 Shanghai Port
71. 最大的经济特区:海南省
72. 茶花品种最多的省:云南省
73. 最大的响石带:重庆巴南区丰盛镇响石带(长3000多米)
74. 最高的电视塔:上海东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower
75. 最大的油田:黑龙江省的大庆油田Daqing Oilfield
76. 最长的城墙:万里长城Great Wall
77. 热泉最集中的地方:云南省的腾冲热海Tengchong hot sea
78. 最大的椰子产地:海南岛
⑼ 有关中国地理的英语文章
The People's Republic of China is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent, on the western Pacific rim. It is a vast land, covering 9.6 million square kilometers. China is approximately seventeen times the size of France, 1 million square kilometers smaller than all of Europe, and 600,000 square kilometers smaller than Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the south and central Pacific). Additional offshore territory, including territorial waters, special economic areas, and the continental shelf, totals over 3 million square kilometers, bringing China's overall territory to almost 13 million square kilometers.
Western China's Himalayan Mountains are often referred to as the roof of the world. Mount Qomolangma (known to the West as Mount Everest), at over 8800 meters in height, is the roof's highest peak. China stretches from its westernmost point on the Pamir Plateau to the confluence of the Heilongjiang and Wusuli Rivers, 5200 kilometers to the east.
When inhabitants of eastern China are greeting the dawn, people in western China still face four more hours of darkness. The northernmost point in China is located at the midpoint ofthe-Heilongjiang River, north of Mohe in Heilongjiang Province. The southernmost point is located at Zengmu'ansha in the Nansha Islands, approximately 5500 kilometers away. When northern China is still gripped in a world of ice and snow, flowers are already blooming in the balmy south. The Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea border China to the east and south, together forming a vast maritime area. The Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea connect directly with the Pacific Ocean, while the Bohai Sea, embraced between the two "arms" of the Liaodong and Shandong peninsulas, forms an inland sea. China's maritime territory includes 5400 islands, which have a total area of 80,000 square kilometers. The two largest islands, Taiwan and Hainan, cover 36,000 square kilometers and 34,000 square kilometers respectively.
From north to south, China's ocean straits consist of the Bohai, Taiwan, Bashi, and Qiongzhou Straits. China possesses 20,000 kilometers of land border, plus 18,000 kilometers of coastline. Setting out from any point on China's border and making a complete circuit back to the starting point, the distance traveled would be equivalent to circling the globe at the equator.
⑽ 简单中国地理英语介绍