㈠ 地質英文翻譯
1, regional structural characteristics: the Erlian Basin tectonic position in Mongolia - Xing'anling of the central Rift Valley, is in the latter part of the Health Hercynian fold in the basement and Jurassic resial basin on the basis of the positive fault Rafah Shen, the rift role in the formation of a group, small mountain lake, shape for more than half graben, a major Cretaceous sediments of Health, certificates, covered formation. Depression area of several hundred to several thousand square kilometers, Duocheng distribution to the North East, the former Cretaceous basement of the depth of 3000-6000 meters. Were BASIN peripheral Jurassic and Paleozoic of the hill outcrop formed and separated and surrounded by high ground. Early Cretaceous basin has experienced rapid extension, the medium-term sustained large-scale rift, the demise of the late contraction phase of the three major evolution. Early for the rapid accumulation of a class molasse stone construction, medium-shallow lake is the foreshore - semi-deep lake sediments (mainly covered reservoir sedimentation period), advanced to the river swamps of the deposition, thus to the Early Cretaceous as the main lake sediment Stage came to an end. Later, a substantial uplift of the whole basin, as long as several million years ago, the Early Cretaceous sediment erosion strong until razed, the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary, the fourth of the sequence incomplete, the total thickness of 0-200 metres, For the accumulation of a pan-Basin, near the level of occurrence, to the point of not covering the whole region integration. The researchers have considered that the basin is in the L-twisting of the regional stress field in the context of the formation of a shear nature of the rift basin, to extend the main structural style, with strike-slip characteristics and is concive to forming all kinds of traps, Oil and gas migration and integration of the rich.
㈡ 廣東省地質局757地質大隊英文怎麼寫謝謝
Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Geology 757 Geological Team
㈢ 地礦局 英文怎麼翻譯
Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Liaoning Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
㈣ 地質學報的英文版
《地質學報(英文版)》(ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA)是中國地質學會主辦的學術季刊,創辦於1922年,是我國歷史最悠久的科技期刊之一。
該刊創辦時,原名Bullelin of the Geological Society of China(《中國地質學會志》),以英文為主,德、法等文次之,每年一卷,刊載中國地質學會會員地質調查研究之所得及在學術年會中宣讀的論文。 ?
《地質學報(英文版)》所刊論文涉及地學和相關學科各領域的研究,包括地層學、古生物學、地史學、構造地質學、大地構造學、礦物學、岩石學、地球化學、地球物理、礦床地質學、水文地質學、工程地質學、環境地質學、區域地質學以及地質勘查的新理論和新技術。其讀者對象主要是國內外有關學科的研究人員與高等院校師生。稿源自世界各地,該刊稿源豐足,稿件年刊用率20%—30%,可以從大量來稿中擇優遴選稿件。《地質學報(英文版)》近數年來,一直連續被美國《科學引文索引》(SCI)所收錄。多次獲得科技部、新聞出版署、中國科協的中國優秀科技期刊稱號。 ?
主辦: 中國地質學會
周期: 雙月
語種: 英文;
開本: 16開
ISSN: 1000-9515
CN: 11-2001/P
現用刊名:Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)
CA 化學文摘(美)(2009)
SCI 科學引文索引(美)(2009)
CBST 科學技術文獻速報(日)(2009)
㈤ 地質中英文對照文獻
[1] http://www.epa.gov/projectxl/nejac.htm
[2] http://www.mc-mncppc.org/info/resident_guides/public_participation/intro.shtm
[3] 趙國清主編.外國環境法選編.北京:中國政法大學出版社,2000:616
[4] Jan Hancock, Environmental Human Rights, Hants, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, P.36.
[5] Elni, International Environmental Impact Assessment, Caeron May, 1997, P.76. [3]
[6] Jan Hancock, Environmental Human Rights, Hants, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, P.36.
[7] Elli Louka, Conflicting Integration, Antwerp-Oxford-New York, Intersentia,2004, P.78.
[8] Cairo A. R. Robb, Human Rights and Environment, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001, P.688-699.
㈥ 地質工程勘察院英文怎麼翻譯
Geological Engineering Survey Institute
㈦ 地質英文翻譯
層序地層學研究已結合總有機碳( TOC的)的分析,以及從原木,核心,和剪報發展的典範,版 TOC的積累,在權海相烴源rocks.routine以及剖面TOC在海相烴源岩顯示,經常性的模式,在垂直分布TOC的出現可以解釋與層序地層concepts.the模型假設的原則,控制對有機碳的積累( 1 )在場的超低氧條件在沉積物/水界面,以及( 2 )沉積速率。在這種情況下, TOC的會有所不同成反比,與陸源碎屑的湧入。如果住宿是高,碎屑湧入,是低在遠端的地點,和由此產生的重量% TOC在盆地沉積物中是最高TOC的增大,在一個垂直剖面,通過一個單一的海洋序列可能關聯的最高水浸surface.toc以上的跌幅,這表面上,由於越來越多泥沙稀釋在高位progradation和跌幅低於它與較高的沉積速率較舊的海侵體系tract.commensurate與TOC的增加實現的最高洪水從表面上看,有機質類型變得更加海洋,因此,越來越多的石油prone.several海洋烴源岩的例子是作為,以及作為一個湖泊,例如,這也符合海洋模型。
㈧ 請翻譯幾個地質英文名詞
carbonaceous phyllite 碳質千枚岩
sericitic phyllite 絹雲母千枚岩
metarenitic sediments 變質紅砂質新成土沉積物專
metasandstone 變質砂岩
metarenitic 變質紅砂質新成土
predominant 表示【以...為主】,屬或【主要是...】
㈨ 地質專業英文翻譯,高分
和Aertashi,延伸至侏羅紀和白堊紀通過在年齡范圍或中新世(圖)。在新近紀地層中的三個部分包含頂測,而在第四節Wenguri終止,中新世東的核心。此外,表面隆起之間的歷史,目前漸新世海相沉積~ 1200米高程較差的露頭帶約束的。因此,分析了沉降截斷在頂部的連續新生代地層區。
這個構造沉降曲線驅動,Kuzigongsu最厚的部分,有concaveupward形狀的基底侏羅系地層的開端。這種形狀就像一個指數衰減熱沉降曲線,暗示或transtension和熱力控制型沉降始於早侏羅世或晚三疊世的時間(Steckler和瓦的能量,同樣的,依據;Christie-Blick 1978年,1985)。對於其餘的三部分,沉降速率是不變的,直到第三時間相當低的中間。雖然被存入Kuzigongsu厚集團和Wuyitake早白堊世晚期侏羅紀期間,他們不是體現在沉降曲線。然而,有限的決議biostratigraphic數據不能解決存在差異沉降速率在這段期間。
㈩ 請問:「地質礦產局」用地道的英文怎麼翻譯
Geology and Mining Bureau
Hubei Province Geology and Mining Bureau