1. 政治、歷史、地理、生物、物理八年級上冊期末復習資料及試卷
1、小明要了解有關近代香港歷史史實,可以查閱下列哪一個條約( )
A、《南京條約》 B、《天津條約》 C、《馬關條約》 D、《辛丑條約》
2、右圖的照片,使你聯想到的歷史事件是( )
3、「大將籌邊尚未還,湖湘子弟滿天山。新栽楊柳三千里,引得春風度玉關」此詩反映的是( )
A、林則徐充軍伊犁後開發新疆的業績 B、林則徐領導虎門銷煙的事跡
4、「此日漫揮天下淚,有公足壯洛軍威。」這副沉痛的輓聯,是人們為哀悼一位民族英雄而撰寫的。這位民族英雄是( )
A、戚繼光 B、鄭成功 C、林則徐 D、鄧世昌
5、下列有關《辛丑條約》的內容中哪一項最能說明清政府完全淪為帝國主義統治中國的工具( )
A、清政府賠償白銀4.5億兩 B、清政府保證嚴禁人民參加反帝活動
6、了解湖北鋼鐵業的歷史,主要查閱的企業資料是( )
A、開平煤礦 B、湖北織布官局 C、漢陽鐵廠 D、江南製造總局
7、譚嗣同被慈禧太後殺害後,街頭巷尾的人們議論紛紛,你認為符合史實的議論是( )
A、他是洋人的密探,賣國求榮 B、他甘為變法而捐軀
C、慈禧太後殺的是貪官 D、他真傻,其實他可以逃走
8、下列哪一口號最能反映五四運動是一場反帝反封建的愛國運動( )
A、取消二十一條 B、反對在對德和約上簽字
9、「開這個軍官學校,獨一無二的希望,就是創造革命軍,來挽救中國的危亡!」文中所指這所學校的創辦者是( )
A、袁世凱 B、孫中山 C、李大釗 D、周恩來
10、以8月1日為中國人民解放軍的建軍節,是為了紀念( )
A、南昌起義 B、廣州起義 C、秋收起義 D、三灣改編
11、某校打算暑假組織學生去中國第一個農村革命根據地舊址舉辦夏令營,他們應該( )
A、延安 B、井岡山 C、西北坡 D、北平
12、在「重走長征路」的活動課上,學生再現歷史場景時不應該出現的是( )
A、強渡大渡河 B、四渡赤水河 C、過雪山草地 D、井岡山會師
13、如果以「勿忘國恥,以史為鑒「為主題出一期板報,下列素材應選擇( )
A、南昌起義 B、九一八事變 C、西安事變 D、重慶談判
14、按因果關系排列下列史實( )
①中共提出建立全國抗日民族統一戰線的主張 ②西安事變 ③抗日民族統一戰線初步形成 ④九一八事變後日本侵華,民族矛盾上升
A、①②③④ B、②③④① C、④①②③ D、③④①②
15、1937年12月,日本侵略者佔領當時中國首都,屠殺中國居民和士兵達三十萬人以上,而現在卻被日本右翼勢力稱之為「20世紀最大的謊言「的事件是( )
A、九一八事變 B、南京大屠殺 C、盧溝橋事變 D、七七事變
16、解放後,為了紀念淮海戰役,國務院決定興建淮海戰役紀念館,你認為紀念館建在何地合適( )
A、徐州 B、連雲港 C、濟南 D、南京
17、自古以來,中國社會地位的排列順序是「士、農、工、商」,狀元最受人們尊敬和羨慕,而工商業卻是被人看不起的「末業」。但在清末卻出一位「捨本逐末」的狀元,此人是( )
A、張謇 B、榮宗敬 C、榮德生 D、孫中山
18、在20世紀初的上海,人們可以做到的事是( )
①看《申報》 ②坐飛機 ③使用商務印書館出版的字典 ④拍電報
A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①②③④ D、①③④
19、在《天演論》中宣傳「勿競天擇,適者生存」「世道必進,後勝於兮」的進步觀點的思想家是( )
A、詹天佑 B、侯德榜 C、魏源 D、嚴復
20、作為中華人民共和國國歌的《義勇軍進行曲》的作者之一是( )
A、聶耳 B、冼星海 C、郭沫若 D、徐悲鴻
「師夷長技」 → 維新變法 → →
長 征
1、A 2、B 3、D 4、D 5、B 6、C 7、B 8、C 9、B 10、A
11、B 12、D 13、B 14、C 15、B 16、A 17、A 18、D 19、D 20、A
21、(共6分)⑴三民主義(2分) 民主與科學(2分) ⑵層層遞進,由表及裡,逐漸深入(或從經濟變革到政治變革再到思想文化變革或從學習西方技術到改變封建制度再到解放思想)(2分)
22、(共10分)⑴錯誤:通過電視 理由:1912年還未發明電視 ⑵錯誤:在上海 理由:孫中山在南京宣誓就職 ⑶錯誤:想去年 理由:維新派人士被殺應在1898年 ⑷錯誤:袁世凱 理由:被殺的譚嗣同等六人 ⑸錯誤:《新青年》 理由:1915年才在上海創刊(每空1分)
23、(共9分)⑴二十世紀三十年代(2分) ⑵巧渡金沙江、四渡赤水河、強奪大渡河、飛奪瀘定橋(其他列舉只要是紅軍長征途中的英雄事跡,即可得分。答對1點得2分,共4分) ⑶紅軍長征精神是紅軍戰勝艱難困苦,勇往直前、大無畏的革命英雄主義精神(其他的答案只要符合題意,就可得到3分,如有學生有創新意識的答案可加1~2分,但本小題總得分不超過9分)
24、(共15分)⑴七七事變(或盧溝橋事變2分) ⑵平型關大捷、百團大戰、台兒庄戰役(每點2分)(唐柳人民打鬼子等本地的事例,寫出一個也可給2分。但本題不能超過6分) ⑶1945年8月15日日本宣布無條件投降(2分) 台灣(2分) ⑷表述一:抗戰的勝利是一百多年來,中國反抗外來侵略,取得第一次勝利。(3分) 表述二:中國的抗戰是世界反法西斯斗爭的重要組成部分,中國人民的斗爭支援了其他國家人民的斗爭,具有世界意義。(得3分) 表述三:中國人民為反抗法西斯的侵略付出了巨大的民族犧牲,為世界人民反法西斯斗爭勝利做出了重要貢獻。(得3分) 表述四:用自己的話回答(只要言之有理即得3分)
25、(共10分)⑴孫中山(2分) ⑵重慶談判(2分) 蔣介石和毛澤東(2分) ⑶1924年國共兩黨第一次合作(1分) 1927年國民黨右派叛變革命,國共合作破裂(1分) 1937年全國性抗日戰爭爆發後,國共兩黨再次合作,共同抗日(1分) 隨著抗日戰爭結束,國共關系再度破裂。(1分)
2. 瑞士 地理位置 宗教信仰 (英文 要翻譯)
It is often said that Switzerland lies at the heart of Europe. Geographically speaking, that's not quite true. However, the main route linking northern and southern Europe does run through the Alps.
Switzerland borders Germany in the north, Austria and the Principality of Liechtenstein in the east, Italy in the south and France in the west. This means that three important European cultures meet in Switzerland - that of the German-speaking region, the French and the Italian.
Size, regions, population
Switzerland has an area of 41,285 square kilometres (15,940 square miles). The proctive area - that is, the area without the lakes, rivers, unproctive vegetation and no vegetation at all - covers 30,753 square km (11,870 square miles)
The Jura, the Plateau and the Alps form the three main geographic regions of the country.
7.4 million people- just over one thousandth (0.1 per cent) of the global population - live in Switzerland.
Switzerland has a high population density, with 234 people per square km (606 per square mile) of the proctive area in 2000. In the agglomerations, which cover about 20% of the total surface area, the density is 590 per square km (1528 per square mile).
瑞士國土總面積為41285平方公里,只佔全球面積的千分之1.5。可生產地區, 即沒有湖泊河流,植被可生產的地區為30753平方公里。
Religious landscape
Membership of Christian churches has shrunk in recent years. In a wideranging poll of Swiss attitudes taken in 2000, only 16% of Swiss people said religion was "very important" to them, far below their families, their jobs, sport or culture. Another survey published the same year showed the number of regular church goers had dropped by 10% in 10 years. Among Catholics, 38.5% said they did not go to church, while among Protestants the figure was 50.7%. Only 71% of the total of those asked said they believed in God at all. The demand for church baptisms, weddings and funerals has fallen sharply in the last 30 years. The 2000 census showed that the Roman Catholic and the mainstream Protestant church (the Reformed-Evangelical) had lost in both absolute terms (the number of members) and in relative terms (their share of the total population.)
On the other hand, the smaller offshoots of these two churches were proportionately the same as before. The free evangelical churches accounted for 2.2% of the population; the Christian Catholic church made up 0.2%.
The Jewish community also remained more or less unchanged. Recent immigration has brought members of other faiths to Switzerland, in particular Islam and Orthodox Christianity.
Even if the churches are no longer relevant in many people's lives, both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism have played a key role in shaping modern Switzerland and the way in which Swiss people see themselves.
近年來,基督教成員的數目明顯減少。2000年,宗教態度的大范圍投票中:只有16%的瑞士人認為宗教是「非常重要」的;但比起家庭,事業,健身及文化,還是差遠了。同年的另一項研究表明:經常去教堂的人數在十年中降了十個百分點。38.5%的天主教徒承認沒有去教堂;而不去教堂的新教徒佔50.7%。在被調查到的兩教教徒中,只有71%的人表示相信上帝。 近三十年來,在教堂做洗禮,舉行婚禮喪禮的人數越來越少。 2000年的普查表明:羅馬天主教及主要新教(革新的傳福音者),無論是絕對數目(教堂成員人數),還是相對數目(所佔總人口比例)都大幅度地下降。
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism tends to be associated with conservatism and the preservation of traditional values, including regional autonomy and commitment to the local community. The strongly Roman Catholic cantons include Uri (more than 90%), Schwyz and both Nidwalden and Obwalden, the Alpine cantons which took the 1291 oath of confederation, regarded as the foundation of modern Switzerland. They joined together at that time to assert their rights to rule themselves in the face of outside powers. Today these are the areas which vote most strongly against any moves they believe could bring Switzerland closer to its neighbours and threaten its neutrality.
The Roman Catholic church in Switzerland is unusual in that the secular authorities in ten Catholic cantons have an important say in the nomination of bishops. This is the result of an agreement between the Pope and the participating cantons in 1828.
After many years in which Protestants were the majority in Switzerland, Roman Catholicism again became the largest religious group around the middle of the 20th century, as a result of immigration from Catholic countries.
Switzerland was home to two of the leading figures of the Protestant reformation which swept across Europe in the 16th century, Ulrich Zwingli and Jean Calvin. On the whole it was the better-off rural cantons and the cities which were to develop into Switzerland's instrial centres which adopted the new religion. Geneva in particular became a stronghold of Protestantism, and a haven for refugees - including Calvin himself - fleeing oppression in Catholic countries. These refugees in turn made an important contribution to the city's intellectual and economic life. Protestants valued rationality and hard work, and saw wealth as a reward from God, an ethos which helped lay the foundations of modern Swiss prosperity.
The 1848 constitution which created the federal Swiss state as we know it today, was drawn up by Protestant radicals who saw greater centralisation as essential to develop an instrialised economy. The federal state created a single currency system to replace the different cantonal currencies, and lifted internal trade barriers.
16世紀時,基督教改革席捲整個歐洲。改革的兩位重要領導人烏爾里希?慈運理(Ulrich Zwingli)和約翰?加爾文(Jean Calvin)都是瑞士人。從總體上看,瑞士較富裕的鄉村和工業化城市接受了新教。日內瓦成為基督教的最堅決擁護者,並為受天主教壓迫的流亡者,如加爾文,提供避難港。這些流亡者為日內瓦的知識和經濟生活做出了巨大貢獻。基督教徒重視合理性與辛勤工作,認為健康是上帝的恩賜:這種意識形態為現代瑞士的繁榮奠定了基礎。
Other religions
Switzerland's third biggest religious group is Islam. The 2000 census showed that there are over 300,000 Muslims in the country, slightly more than twice as many as in 1990. Many of these Muslims are refugees or asylum seekers, but the number of Swiss nationals who are Muslims has increased from 7,700 to 36,500 in ten years.
The number of Orthodox Christians has also increased as a result of immigration from central and eastern European countries. They total more than 130,000.
The number of followers of Judaism has remained stable, with around 17,900.
There are some 21,000 Buddhists following different schools. Just over half the Buddhists are Swiss nationals. The biggest Buddhist temple in Switzerland, Wat Srinagarindravararam, opened in canton Solothurn in 2003. It follows the Theravada school.
There has been a steep rise in the number of people saying they belong to no religion. They now account for just over 11% of the population, against 7.4% in 1990, and 1.1% in 1970.
不同的佛教教派共有大約二萬一千教徒,其中一半是瑞士公民。瑞士最大的佛教廟宇泰國僧院(Wat Srinagarindravararams)於2003年在索洛圖恩(Solothurn)落成;其次是小乘佛教僧院(Theravada)。
3. 把中文翻譯成英文數詞,
three hundred
thirty thousand
three hundred thousand
thirty million
three hundred million
year two thousand中year表示年份
2020 twenty twenty
two thousand and twenty
two o two o
1樓的three hundred million 是3千萬
three thousand million =three billion 30億才對回!答!
4. 幫忙翻譯一下
For the submarine photographer's first essential factor is you needs to guarantee cannot be drowned. Mentions, at least some two year above diving experience can start to be engaged in the submarine photography. Second also is very regretable, the submarine photographic equipment is truly extremely expensive, because except many specially makes the equipment, you also need many supporting facility and you diving outfit. On January 13, 1888, the US national geographic academic society was founded in Washington, at this point, it has passed through for 116 years. Take "promotes and the popular geography knowledge" as the objective. The academic society has subsidized to the world farthest quoin exploration, meanwhile has distributed the publication which several hundred kinds wins an award, including its flagship publication - "National geographic" magazine, but has the faithful subscriber which million counts. The US national geographic academic society is in the world the biggest non- profit earning organization and one of ecational institutions, it has 10 million members. In 1898. This year, Bell operates the rudder the national geographic academic society. This telephone inventor married the academic society founder's daughter by chance, but he the most important property which obtains from wife's father there is this magazine. At that time, magazine 發行量 only had about 1,000, the inventor let it have the noticeable growth, turned an arid tasteless academic society published conference proceeding has been all the rage the whole world "National geographic" the magazine. The US national geographic in a century exploration and the discovery, has covered US national geographic academic society's each subject, for instance: Land biology, submarine biology, world culture and science - from outer space to archaeology to humanities. The picture held the nature to be precious instantaneous and the world each place people's life. These extremely rich charm picture has unfolded the US national geographic academic society photographer's excellent technique and the rich imagination.
5. 美國的地理書上是怎樣描述中國的
Located in East Asia, People's Republic of China (often referred as China) is the most populous state in the world, with a population of around 1.4 billion. With 33 provincial divisions, including two Special Administrated Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, China covers a huge territory of about 3.7 million squared miles. It also claims the territory of Taiwan. The official language in China is Mandarin Chinese, but there are many other languages, such as Cantonese, Wu, Hakha and Tibetan, spoken in this country.
Population is unevenly distributed in China. Eastern provinces are much more densely populated than western areas. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, while Han ethnic is dominating in population. Han ethnic people constitute about 91% of the population, and the rest 55 ethnic groups, including Zhuang, Miao, Hui, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Manchus and Mongols, are known as minorities. Those minority groups contributed to the diversity of Chinese cultures, landscapes and languages.
Due to its huge landmass, the physical landform of China is remarkably heterogeneous. Eastern and northeastern China, where great plains are clustered in, are generally lower in elevation. Major mountain ranges and basins are found in the southern and western China. Tibetan Plateau, with an average altitute of about 12,000 feet, sets in the southwest. Mountain Everest, the highest point of the world, is located at the border between China and Nepel. There are several major rivers in China, such as Yangtze, Huai, Pearl, Mekong and Yellow rivers, and most of them are flowing eastwards to the Pacific Ocean. China also has abundant natural resources, such as coal, oil and iron.
因為擁有廣闊的面積,中國的自然地形也非常多樣。 大平原主要分布在東部和東北部,那些地區的海拔較低。主要的山脈和盆地分布在南部和西部。青藏高原位於西南,它的平均海拔有12000英尺。珠峰是世界上最高的地方,位於中國和尼泊爾的邊界。中國有很多大河,例如長江、淮河、珠江、湄公河和黃河,它們大多數都是朝東流進太平洋。中國也擁有豐富的自然資源,例如煤、油和鐵。
China's capital city is Beijing, which is located in the North China Plain. Other major cities include Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Xi'an and Chongqing. China is going through the rapid urbanization process. Cities are clustered in certain areas, such as Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, to form city belts or metropolitan zones. Old instrial centers in central and northeastern China are declining, and local governments are trying to upgrade instries.
With diversed landforms and long history, China has plenty of tourism sites. Historical relics, such as Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terra Cotta Warriors and Mogao Grottoes, are able to draw millions of tourists both domestic and international each year. Magnificent natural views, such as Mountain Tai, Three Gorges and Guilin Karst, are also attractive to visitors.
6. 誰現在能給我寫一篇英語作文啊,關於澳大利亞簡介的,最好是能把它的地理位置,文化和歷史都能寫到,謝謝了!
7. 美國國家地理雜志的英文介紹
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It has become one of the world's best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its cover.
There are 12 monthly issues of National Geographic per year, plus additional map supplements. On rare occasions, special editions are also issued. It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography. The current Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Magazine is the renowned photographer, Chris Johns, who has photographed extensively in Africa. The foreword to Johns' own illustrated book on Africa was written by Nelson Mandela.
Society Executive Vice President John Q. Griffin, and President of the Magazine Group, has overall responsibility for the English language magazines at National Geographic. Terry B. Adamson, Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations, has overall responsibility for the Society's international publications.
With a worldwide circulation in all languages of nearly nine million, more than fifty million people read the magazine every month. In May, 2007, National Geographic magazine won the American Society of Magazine Editors' prestigious General Excellence Award in the over two million circulation category and the best photography award for three issues of the magazine in 2006.
國家地理雜志》(National Geographic Magazine,或簡稱為《國家地理》)是美國國家地理學會的官方雜志,在國家地理學會1888年成立後的9個月開始發行第一期。現在國家地理雜志已經成為世界上最廣為人知的一本雜志,其封面上的亮黃色邊框及月桂紋圖樣已經成為其象徵,同時這些標識也是國家地理雜志的注冊商標。
國家地理雜志每年發行12次(此雜事為月刊),每刊帶有輔助地圖。但偶爾有特版發行則不在此限。雜志的內容包括地理,科普文章,歷史,文化, 實事和照片。
雜志現在的首席主編是著名的攝影記者克里斯•約翰斯(Chris Johns),他曾經拍攝了大量的關於非洲的照片。原南非總統納爾遜•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)曾經為克里斯的書撰寫了前言。約翰•格里芬,美國國家地理學會的行政副總裁和國家地理雜志的主席主要負責本雜志英文版的所有事物。泰瑞•阿達姆森,另一名美國國家地理學會專門負責法律事務和政府公關的行政副總裁主要負責雜志的國際版所有事務。國家地理雜志每個月以各種不同的語言出版9 百萬冊,並擁有超過5百萬的讀者。
8. 用英語對美國作簡要介紹,地理位置(所臨海洋及臨國)、面積、50個州、首都、人口、經濟狀況、中美關系
Introction to U.S.A.
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to its east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait, and the state of Hawaii is in the mid-Pacific. The United States also possesses several territories, or insular areas, scattered around the Caribbean and Pacific.
At 3.79 million square miles (9.83 million km²) and with over 300 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area, and third largest by land area and by population. The United States is one of the world's most ethnically diverse nations, the proct of large-scale immigration from many countries. The U.S. economy is the largest national economy in the world, with a nominal 2006 gross domestic proct (GDP) of more than US$13 trillion (over 19% of the world total based on purchasing power parity).
The nation was founded by thirteen colonies of Great Britain located along the Atlantic seaboard. Proclaiming themselves "states," they issued the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The rebellious states defeated Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first successful colonial war of independence.A federal convention adopted the current United States Constitution on September 17, 1787; its ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments, was ratified in 1791.
In the nineteenth century, the United States acquired land from France, Spain, Great Britain, Mexico, and Russia, and annexed the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Hawaii. Disputes between the agrarian South and instrial North over states' rights and the expansion of the institution of slavery provoked the American Civil War of the 1860s. The North's victory prevented a permanent split of the country and led to the end of slavery in the United States. The Spanish-American War and World War I confirmed the nation's status as a military power. In 1945, the United States emerged from World War II as the first country with nuclear weapons, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and a founding member of NATO. The United States entered the post–Cold War era as the only remaining superpower and a dominant economic, political, and cultural force in the world.
美利堅合眾國(英語:United States of America,USA),簡稱美國,舊稱花旗國,是位於北美洲的聯邦共和制國家,也是世界上最為悠久的共和立憲制國家。美國本土東瀕大西洋,西臨太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥灣。首都為華盛頓哥倫比亞特區。美國源自於1776年脫離英國統治的北美殖民地,13州的殖民地代表一同發表了《美國獨立宣言》,在經歷艱苦的獨立戰爭後,於1783年與英國簽訂了巴黎協約,從此受到世界各國的承認。