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發布時間: 2021-01-21 05:40:53

『壹』 國家地理.極限維修大挑戰.挑戰油輪.N.G.worlds.toughest.fixes.ocs.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF種子下載地址有么


『貳』 哪裡有高清國家地理極限維修大挑戰節目看啊


『叄』 如何評價國家地理的《腦力大挑戰》系列


『肆』 求test your Brain(腦力大挑戰)在美國國家地理頻道的播出時間

官網查了一下,最早的在10月19號晚9點播出,哎,看不到了。。。 總共3集,幫你在官網復制了點信息

Test your Brain: Pay Attention!
The episode on 'attention' will be shot in Las Vegas and find out how magician use this knowledge of the brain to perform their tricks.
Next Showing: Wednesday 19 October at 21:00
Repeats: Thursday 20 October at 00:00
Thursday 20 October at 03:00

Test your Brain: You Won't Believe Your Eyes
The episode on 'sensory perception' will be shot in Hollywood where filmmakers use images and sound to create compelling illusions of reality.
Next Showing: Wednesday 26 October at 21:
Repeats: Thursday 27 October at 00:00
Thursday 27 October at 03:00

Test your Brain: Memory
The final episode about 『memory』 will be shot in New York where a veteran NYPD detective challenges the viewers to test their memories.
Next Showing: Wednesday 2 November at 21:00
Repeats: Thursday 3 November at 00:00
Thursday 3 November at 03:00

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